Aditya Charitable Trust's Kai Bhagubai Pingle Law College, Pabal took its humble birth in the precious hands of Aditya Charitable Trust, Pune in 2025, imparting professional and legal education to the young and aspiring youth of this region to pursue their career as independent professionals. The College is affiliated with the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. The College is recognized by the Bar Council of India (Under Process). The College is located in a sprawling green campus of the Society with a separate building allotted for the Law College.
Though the Institution is located in the rural Pune region of the State of Maharashtra, through an ordeal of struggle and difficulties, the Institution will attain the premier position in imparting Legal Education and make a mark of its own as a role model and stands on the top of the affiliated Colleges.
"Taking the law education to the down trodden and rural masses and create the opportunities through their overall development"