||ज्ञानयज्ञेन उपासते||

Disciplinary Rules

The college insists on a very high standard of discipline among the students in tune with the status and reputation of the college. The Disciplinary Committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal is the final authority in this regard. The Committee issues time to time norms and standards for student’s behaviour and code of conduct. Violation of these norms by the students is duly punished. The punishment includes fine, ban on issuing the library books, even cancellation of admission in the light of the severity of the case.

The Smoking, drinking alcholic beverages, being inebriated in campus, dealings or consuming prohibited drugs, chewing pan or tobacco, immoral conduct and any behavior disturbing the discipline of the college is severely punished.

Damage to the property of the college is also severely dealt with and cost of repair and fine will be recovered from the students concerned or if concerned are not traceable Common Fine will be imposed. Thus, the college expects the students to take care of the property of the college as their own goods.