||ज्ञानयज्ञेन उपासते||

The LLB Programme

Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Nature of the Programme:  UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM OF LAW, It shall be a Three-Year Degree Program in Law. The program shall be divided into six semesters.

KBP Law College, Pabal is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).  Therefore, the college imparts the syllabi prescribed by the SPPU.

Click Here to view the CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS) Syllabus for Undergraduate Degree Programs of Law implemented from Academic Year 2025-26 (as amended in July 2024).

Students may also visit www.unipune.ac.in for further details about examination pattern and rules of passing.

Objectives and advantages of CBCS Curriculum:

1. To reorient legal education by making provision for sufficient opportunity to the students for extensive as well as intensive study of law. 
2. To equip the students with (a) knowledge of law, (b) practical application of law, (c) analytical thinking and logical reasoning, (d) effective communication skills
3. To meet the needs of contemporary requirements of Bar, Bench, and Industry in the globalized economic era. 
4. To educate them about diverse backgrounds to become effective, ethical, and expert individuals who are employable in a variety of legal settings

Advantages of the Choice based Credit System are::

The Curriculum intends to add immense value to all stakeholders by effectively addressing their requirements in more than one way by
1.Shift in focus from the teacher-centric to student-centric education. 
2.CBCS allows students to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary courses, skill-oriented papers (even from other disciplines according to their learning needs, interests and aptitude) and offering more flexibility for students

Outlines of Choice Based Credit System: 
In line with the UGC’s guidelines, the courses are categorized as Core Courses, Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (P.T. Papers), Skill Enhancement Courses, Discipline Specific Elective Courses and Generic Elective (Open Elective) Courses.

Course: A “Course” is a component of programme, i.e. in the new system; papers will be referred to as courses. Each course is identified by a unique course code. While designing curriculum, course can have defined weightage. These weightages are called credits. Each course, in addition to having a syllabus, has learning objectives and learning outcomes. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/ tutorials/ laboratory work/ field work/ project work/vocational training /viva voce etc. or a combination of some of these. 

Core Courses: ​The purpose of the Core Course Paper is to adhere to common minimum standards prescribed by the Bar Council India. Also, the course designed for papers under this category aims to cover the basics that a student is expected to imbibe in the law profession. Besides this, the Core Course Papers should be studied by the law students as a core requirement to get Sanad. Hence, the Core Course is a course that has to be studied compulsorily.  For Three-Year LLB Program there shall be 30 Law courses. These 30 Law courses shall include - 

1) 20 Core Courses for 4 credits each 
2) 4 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (Practical Training Courses) for 4 credits each 
3) 6 Discipline Specific Elective Courses for 4 credits each

In addition to the above there shall be 2 Skill Enhancement Compulsory Courses for 2 credits each and 2 Generic Elective Courses (Open Elective) for 4 credits each.

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course: 

Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses offered are of two types – (1) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AEC) – These courses are based upon the Practical Training Activities mandated by the BCI for law students. (2) Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): These are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on training, competencies, skills, etc