With the very spirit of humanism and commitment to the tenets of justice and rule of law, ACT, Kai Bhagubai Pingle Law College, Pabal has established the Legal Aid Clinic which is extremely instrumental in sensitizing the students to the cause of the indigent thereby inculcating a spirit of social responsibility within them. The Clinic strives to ensure that the constitutional pledge is fulfilled in the letter and spirit and equal justice is made available to the poor, downtrodden and weaker sections of the society.
The clinic will be functioning in collaboration with the District Legal Service Authority, The Clinic will works closely with the District Legal Service Authority in providing them the services of the students and staff. It provides the students exposure to settlement of cases, holding Lok Adalats and training them as para Legal volunteers. The service of the faculty are also provided as members of the judge panel during the Maha Lok Adalat held by the District Legal Service Authority and also as Resource Persons in their training Programmes.
The Legal Aid Clinic will be manned by Para Legal Volunteers (Law Students) with sense of commitment, sensibility and sensitiveness to the problems of the common people who are being selected by the Faculty-in-charge of the Clinic.
The Legal Aid Clinic will focus more effectively functioning in outreach programmes. The Clinic will be proved to be one of the best methods of learning experience by transmitting the theoretical knowledge from lab to land. The Clinic is a dynamic tool of learning, through which, the students learn the techniques of interviewing, interaction, eliciting the relevant information from the Client and to suggest possible remedies and the alternatives. The Clinic will also enables the students to learn drafting notices, complaints, petitions and in turn it helps the students to be socially responsive and committed.
The Clinic will organize various outreach programmes such as legal aid camps, legal literacy programmes, gender sensitization programmes, human rights awareness programmes, Jail Visit, Lok Adalat Visit, Workshop in Collaboration with District Legal Service Authorities etc.
The Clinic will function on every second and fourth Saturday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm of every month. 10 student volunteers are selected to provide legal advices under the guidance of Faculty-in-Charge. The Clinic will maintain records and documents of various activities conducted by the Clinic including the list of seekers, the type of service rendered, particulars of para Legal Volunteers, the personnel’s from the Bar and all other related information.